The Nick Chaconas Experience

A Journey of Wealth & Well-Being

From "aha" to "oh crap ," I'm sharing everything on my journey as an investor.

My name is Nick Chaconas. Just an ordinary guy who decided I wanted something more.

"My family deserves better. I'm capable of so much more. I'm tired of living a mediocre life as I trade time for money."

That's how it all started. I was sick and tired of the life I was living, with all the wrong dialogue playing on repeat in my head.

In early 2021 I committed to leave the life of "just being a realtor" behind and become a real estate investor .. and to document the journey from brand new real estate investor to having consistent $20,000+ months!


$365,450 in Profited Profits .. Yes Please

February 23, 20244 min read

WTF Did I Wait So Long?

Let me say that again .. “WTF Did I Wait So Long?”

You can’t tell, but I’m a little pumped right now. Andrew is playing rival St. John’s at 7:30 tonight in the MAPHL hockey semi-finals.

We’re going to head to the rink a bit early and tailgate to get even more amped for the game.

Another reason for my pumpededness - for you grammar police .. I know that’s not a word, but you know what I mean - is I’m about to line up my first agent to PAY ME to generate leads for her.

In my Partner group .. Fletcher and Sloper shared with us that they realized late last year they missed out on close to $2,000,000, over the previous 18 months, in earned commissions by not doing anything with the Cash Offer Leads that wanted ROI (on the market sale) vs Speed (As Is Cash Sale).


They knew they didn’t want to take the listings because, in their own words “We hate client work!”. So they decided they were going to refer those ROI Sellers to an agent they partnered with.

Fletcher whipped up a 10-page Shock and Awe package and then went looking for the Top 50 producing agents in each county they are buying properties.

He started marketing to them with a simple 3-day email/SMS campaign. For those that replied they were interested in what he was proposing .. he sent the Shock and Awe package.

Only after reviewing the package, and qualifying themselves by answering a series of 14 questions could the agent schedule a 30 minute Zoom call.

In an email he sent on Nov 20, he shared …

I sold Prince William County to one Top 50 Agent for $53,640 in marketing dollars - signed contract

And sold Fairfax County for $69,538 to another Top 50 Agent - signed contract

Since then, they’ve signed contracts with at least 1-2 more agents giving them a shitload per month to spend buying leads.

I know that success leaves clues, but I was one clueless idiot by actively deciding NOT to follow the same steps to market to and acquire marketing dollars from my own personal Top 50 agent(s).

That was until earlier this week, when another Partner in AZ shared with the group that he started his campaign and had Zooms scheduled with several agents.

Because, within Partner, we are an Open Source .. we share everything. I logged into our system, download the Shock and Awe package, the emails, the SMS messages and got to customizing them for my area and with my numbers.

I learned when I looked into my ACS Machine, I too had a sickening amount of leads that turned into SOLD listings with other agents.

  • 94 Sold Listings

  • $49,000,000 in sales

  • $1,225,000 in gross commissions.

I just about threw up in my mouth with I saw those numbers, which prompted me to get my ass in gear.

Tuesday morning I sent out Email 1/SMS 1 to 100 agents (50 each for Montgomery and Frederick counties).

Because Murphy’s Law is a real thing .. only 32 emails and 34 SMS messages were sent because of restrictions my software provider imposed to prevent spam.

UGH!!! But, alas, the marketing worked …

  • 4-5 agents unsubscribed

  • An agent called to tell me “No agent in this area will pay upfront”. He spent 20 minutes trying to tell me I had a pipedream and why it was better to get paid on the back-end in referral fees. Silly Agent. LOL!

  • 4 responded with interest and were sent the Shock and Awe package.

  • 2 scheduled Zoom meetings … the first of which I held this morning.

20 minutes later, she wanted to confirm that each county would be exclusive. I responded with a quick Yes.

An hour later she replied with …

“Great let me know what I need to lock it in”

And just like that .. I’m about to lock up $36,450 in marketing dollars to buy cash offer leads.

I’ll use those funds to purchase "Cash Offer Request" leads, that get put into the ACS Machine, which has proven from 3+ years of collected data, to multiply capital at a 10:1 ROI. 

& this is the fun part... 

$36,450 x 10:1 ROI = $365,450 in projected profits. 

So, to put this into perspective. I spent 40 minutes on a Zoom call to lock in, because of the effectiveness & predictability of our systems, $365K in profits. 

WTF Didn’t I Do This Sooner??

OK OK .. Paula’s going to be here any minute so we can head to the rink.


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ASSET CONTROL SPECIALIST, Start Your Investing Journey

GRIT, Defeat the Lesser Self - (Mind, Body, Business, Relationships transformation)

PARTNER, Guaranteed implementation - (at least 10:1 ROI)

CODE OF THE HEROIC SELF, Become Hard(er) to Kill Every Day

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