The Nick Chaconas Experience

A Journey of Wealth & Well-Being

From "aha" to "oh crap ," I'm sharing everything on my journey as an investor.

My name is Nick Chaconas. Just an ordinary guy who decided I wanted something more.

"My family deserves better. I'm capable of so much more. I'm tired of living a mediocre life as I trade time for money."

That's how it all started. I was sick and tired of the life I was living, with all the wrong dialogue playing on repeat in my head.

In early 2021 I committed to leave the life of "just being a realtor" behind and become a real estate investor .. and to document the journey from brand new real estate investor to having consistent $20,000+ months!

Thousand Mile Journey

Lessons Learned on the Road to Wellness and Wealth

February 06, 20243 min read

"Do the difficult things while they are easy and Do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." - Lau Tzu

Every journey MUST BEGIN with a single step.

Killing the Image

I was reminded of this tenet while finishing Andre Ward’s autobiograhy “Killing the

Image”, especially as I am focused on improving my health and fitness, as well as building a successful business.

The path on my journey has rarely been straight; it's been filled with ups and downs, successes and setbacks. But as I've learned through my own experiences, it's not how you start that truly matters—it's how you finish.

My struggles, both in health/fitness and in business, have taught me invaluable lessons that serve me to this day.

1. Embrace the Struggle: Like just about everyone walking around .. my journey has it’s ups and downs. In health, like in business, I’ve faced moments of doubt, frustration, and failure.

Joy in seeing the scale dip below 190lbs. Utter disgust when it hit 223lbs.

Joy when closing on the purchase of 6404 Coastal Hwy. Angst as the sale is weeks away and it’s looking like I’m going to lose money on this fix/flip.

Whether it was pushing through a challenging workout or navigating a business setback like Coastal Hwy, it is the struggle itself that forges my resilience. Challenges teach me perseverance, showing me that obstacles aren't roadblocks but opportunities for growth.

2. The Power of Adaptability: Flexibility and adaptability are crucial on both fronts. In fitness, when a certain routine or diet methodology (Keto) didn't yield results, I learned to adjust my approach, much like pivoting a business strategy (cold calling and door knocking) that wasn't working. This adaptability not only helped me overcome immediate hurdles but also made me more versatile as I face of future challenges.

3. Continuous Learning: Every setback in my fitness journey and every obstacle in my business endeavors became a learning opportunity. I’ve discovered that continuous improvement and lifelong learning are key to both personal and professional growth. Staying open to new ideas, techniques, and strategies keep me moving forward, even when progress seems slow, at best, and nonexistent at worst.

4. The Importance of Vision and Persistence: Both in achieving fitness goals and in building my business, the importance of having a clear vision cannot be overstated. It's not the initial enthusiasm and small victories, but persistent effort towards a well-defined standard that leads to success. My journey teaches me the value of staying the course, even when the end seems distant.

5. Celebrating Milestones: Acknowledging progress, no matter how small, has been vital in both arenas. Celebrating milestones in my health and fitness (cheat days) journey keep me motivated to continue pushing forward, just as recognizing achievements (closing on a sale and seeing the wire hit my account) in my business inspires continued effort and innovation.

My path, and the lessons learned along with way continue to teach me resilience, adaptability, the importance of continuous learning, and the power of persistence.

These experiences have shaped me into who I am today, ready to face new challenges with confidence and determination.

Invaluable Tools of the Trade

ASSET CONTROL SPECIALIST, Start Your Investing Journey

GRIT, Defeat the Lesser Self - (Mind, Body, Business, Relationships transformation)

PARTNER, Guaranteed implementation and success - (at least 10:1 ROI)

CODE OF THE HEROIC SELF, Become Hard(er) to Kill Every Day

© 2023 Tsakona Media & Investments LLC
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Invaluable Tools of the Trade

ASSET CONTROL SPECIALIST, Start Your Investing Journey

GRIT, Defeat the Lesser Self - (Mind, Body, Business, Relationships transformation)

PARTNER, Guaranteed implementation - (at least 10:1 ROI)

CODE OF THE HEROIC SELF, Become Hard(er) to Kill Every Day

By reading this, you agree to all of the following: You understand this to be an expression of opinions and not professional advice. You are solely responsible for the use of any content and hold Tsakona Media & Investments LLC and all members and affiliates harmless in any event or claim. If you purchase anything through a link in this email, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that we will be paid in some way. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

© 2024 Tsakona Media & Investments LLC | 14732 Chisholm Landing Way, North Potomac, MD 20878