The Nick Chaconas Experience

A Journey of Wealth & Well-Being

From "aha" to "oh crap ," I'm sharing everything on my journey as an investor.

My name is Nick Chaconas. Just an ordinary guy who decided I wanted something more.

"My family deserves better. I'm capable of so much more. I'm tired of living a mediocre life as I trade time for money."

That's how it all started. I was sick and tired of the life I was living, with all the wrong dialogue playing on repeat in my head.

In early 2021 I committed to leave the life of "just being a realtor" behind and become a real estate investor .. and to document the journey from brand new real estate investor to having consistent $20,000+ months!

Take the Leap

Unpuckering My Butthole

February 01, 20243 min read

Living Beyond the Comfort Zone

"The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks." - Mark Zuckerberg

Four years ago, I stood at a crossroads, faced with the decision to continue in a traditional real estate role or to dive headfirst into the unpredictable world of real estate investing.

It was a choice I had wanted to make for at least the previous 10 years, but something always held me back. And when I say “something” .. I am referring to my Lesser Self. Using fear and uncertainty, he always convinced me to forego the world of investing and remain in the “safety net” of residential real estate.

Then, one day I had a Popeye moment, reminiscent of Zuckerberg's wisdom on the necessity of embracing risk in a rapidly evolving landscape.

I chose to take the leap.

I joined the Asset Control Specialist (ACS) program, where taking daily action is our mantra.

This decision mirrored a past choice I made 20+ years ago, when I had to decide whether to stay with the IT company I no longer wanted to be part of or to go all-in with real estate.

Today, my burgeoning real estate investing business stands as a testament to the power of embracing risk and seizing control of my professional destiny.

I transition fully away from the retail side of real estate, balancing my brokerage business with my investment ventures has been a lesson in efficiency and risk management.

My retail work provides stability, while my investment business offers growth, one deal at a time. This dual approach has taught me that calculated risks can lead to sustained income and growth, proving that fear of failure is just a stepping stone to learning and success.

The deal on Hannover .. it closed last week .. netting me $15,000 in profits on a $100 purchased lead. But, the deal didn’t come without risk.

I executed a new strategy to “dispo” the property.

A friend in PARTNER has been executing this strategy for a while, so I had confidence it would work, but of course my Lesser Self was always in my ear telling me how wrong things could go and I’d be left holding the bag if/when we couldn’t execute as we had planned.

The ROI on Hannover proved to me that the reward far outweighed the risk of trying something new.

Now that this new exit strategy is proven, it’s opening up more opportunities when speaking to my seller leads because now, if necessary, I can offer a higher price and still earn my desired profit.

With the knowledge learned and easy access to fellow investors in both the ACS and PARTNER group, I know that embracing risk doesn't mean recklessly jumping into the unknown.

It's about calculated steps, continuous learning, and being unafraid to pivot when necessary. Just like when I’m playing golf, where every shot is a blend of skill and calculated risk, real estate investing requires the same mindset.

Each property, each deal is a new game, a new opportunity. And in this rapidly changing world, not taking a shot is the only guaranteed miss.

Invaluable Tools of the Trade

ASSET CONTROL SPECIALIST, Start Your Investing Journey

GRIT, Defeat the Lesser Self - (Mind, Body, Business, Relationships transformation)

PARTNER, Guaranteed implementation and success - (at least 10:1 ROI)

CODE OF THE HEROIC SELF, Become Hard(er) to Kill Every Day

© 2023 Tsakona Media & Investments LLC
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Invaluable Tools of the Trade

ASSET CONTROL SPECIALIST, Start Your Investing Journey

GRIT, Defeat the Lesser Self - (Mind, Body, Business, Relationships transformation)

PARTNER, Guaranteed implementation - (at least 10:1 ROI)

CODE OF THE HEROIC SELF, Become Hard(er) to Kill Every Day

By reading this, you agree to all of the following: You understand this to be an expression of opinions and not professional advice. You are solely responsible for the use of any content and hold Tsakona Media & Investments LLC and all members and affiliates harmless in any event or claim. If you purchase anything through a link in this email, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that we will be paid in some way. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

© 2024 Tsakona Media & Investments LLC | 14732 Chisholm Landing Way, North Potomac, MD 20878