Craft Mastery

Mastering My Craft

January 30, 20253 min read

"Build it and he will come" .. we all know that quote from Field of Dreams. To me, it speaks to paying attention to the activities and the desired result will happen .. eventually.

Just the other day .. Deion Sanders offered similar advice, with a twist that only Deion can offer:

"When you perfect your craft, then the money is going to find you. You don't ever have to chase money when you perfect your craft."

Man, I wish Deion told me that years ago.

I’ve spent years learning this lesson the hard way.

Chasing money.

Chasing deals.

Chasing the next “big thing.”

It felt like I was always on the move, but somehow, never quite gaining ground.

The difference now? I’ve built a system. A process. A framework that I trust.

That doesn’t mean the temptation is gone. Habits are hard to break—I still catch myself eyeing the newest, shiniest object. But the difference now is, I see it for what it is much faster.

Case in point: A few months ago, I entered into a marketing arrangement with a company that promised unlimited seller leads through their Google Ads campaigns and funnels. Sounded great on paper, right? The idea of a constant stream of motivated sellers without having to hustle for each one? Yeah, I was sold.

But here’s what happened instead: It became a distraction. I found myself relying on their system instead of my system.

Instead of refining the processes I already knew worked—my network, my targeted outreach, my machine—I was waiting for leads to be handed to me.

And the results ... 6,180 impressions, 261 clicks, 4 conversions from an ad spend of $1,420.

That's about $375 per lead .. a little more than what my PPL (Pay Per Lead) cost is from my long-standing service providers.

BUT .. the marketing company's funnel didn't require the leads provided a phone number or email address .. and only 1 person provided that information.

So .. now that 1 lead cost me $1,420 .. and they haven't responded to any of my attempts to connect.

After running the campaign for a month, it's evident the leads provided aren't the quality or volume that was promised.

So, I’m unwinding from that agreement now.

Lesson learned.

And here’s the kicker—while I was dealing with that distraction, my other PPL service providers kept sending me leads and I have 1 viable fix/flip project (Projected Profit: $18-20k) I'm looking to purchase and 2 retail listings (Project Commissions: $12-15k) from those 15 PPL leads.

Like this one: Marion T on Conductor
Marion entered my system on Christmas Eve and communicated with my AI Chatbot to the point of scheduling a call for a few days later.

During that initial call it became clear that Marion's property did not qualify for a Cash Offer, so I pivoted the conversation to working with her in my capacity as a listing agent.

I met with Marion yesterday at the property to see what final preparation work is needed to get the property on the market. I left with a handyman list of 12 items that need to be taken care of .. things like replacing a recessed light canister in the family room, connecting the dishwasher to the garbage disposal, replacing a few baseboard tiles in the bathroom, etc.

I've connected with my handyman and will have that punchlist knocked out by this weekend. And then, we list the property next week.

This Google Ad shiny object is a reminder that in every area of life—business, fitness, relationships—the real success comes not from chasing, but from building.

You don’t chase a six-pack; you master discipline, nutrition, and training.

You don’t chase validation; you become the kind of person others want to connect with.

You don’t chase money; you build systems and skills so that opportunities come to you.

My AHA moment ...

Stop chasing money.

Start chasing mastery .. and the money will catch up.

Nick Chaconas | Founder, AIG Home Buyer | Co-Founder, GRID Gaithersburg | Direct: 240-477-2500 |

Giddy up!!

Nick Chaconas | Founder, AIG Home Buyer | Co-Founder, GRID Gaithersburg | Direct: 240-477-2500 | [email protected]

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