
Killing Little Nicky, Part 1

February 12, 20243 min read

I’m pretty sure that I’ve read more books cover-to-cover since March 2020 than I did in all my years in high-school, undergrad and graduate schools combined.

I know .. I know, Will Hunting is telling me “You dropped $150,000 on an education you coulda got for $1.50 in late fees at the public library.”

But I digress. Point being .. as I’ve read all these books, I’ve underline ideas, quotes, passages and written in the margins my thoughts .. mostly ‘aha’ moments, or directives to take action or just reference points to catch when flipping back thru the book.

This morning I flipped back thru Killing the Image in order to organize all the quotes and thoughts I collected so I could curate them into today’s message.

As I’ve been arguing the past several months, every successful real estate investor (true be told you can fill in any profession here) knows that the path to profitability is not just about the numbers; it's a holistic journey that challenges and builds Mind, Body, Business acumen, and Relationships.

The following quotes resonate deeply with my journey, each offering a pearl of wisdom on the resilience and mindset required to thrive in this .. and any competitive field.

Andre’s father shared with him when he was young and tired of training ..

"You keep doing these drills...Watch, you're going to be sharp. You do these for a month, you're going to start to see a change."

This speaks to the heart of perseverance. In any endeavor that involves the pursuit of excellence .. be it building a business, developing a health and wellness routine, learning a new skill .. consistency in your efforts sharpens your skills. The change doesn't happen overnight.

Within GRIT we focus on just becoming just 1% better each day. 1% doesn’t seem like much and it sure as shit isn’t as sexy as 6 Minute Abs.

But with the benefit of compounding interest .. 1% daily improvement, when given time to multiply results in a growth factor of 37.7.

Any way you slice it, success is the result of daily dedication to your craft.

The 1% journey isn’t a fairy tale where everything is all rainbows and unicorns. Rest assured, your Lesser Self is an active terrorist in your mind, sabotaging you at every turn.

While prepping for a fight with an opponent much bigger and stronger Andre’s Lesser Self was talking more smack than the opponent. As they were getting ready to stand on the stage for the weigh-ins and pre-fight face-off, he had a powerful aha moment…

"Mental reps must be taken daily. There are times that you will have to remind yourself of who you are when doubt tries to creep in and to reassure yourself that who you are is enough for the task at hand."

Self-doubt creeps into the minds of even the most seasoned investors. Regularly affirming my capabilities and worth fortifies my resilience, keeping me grounded and focused amidst the highs and lows.

Which brings me to a closing thought in our daily battle with our Little Nickys …

"Be mindful of what we are telling ourselves, because people become what they think."

Mindset is everything. In the same way that a fire can either heat your home or burn it to the ground .. your beliefs about your abilities can limit you or propel you forward.

Cultivating a growth mindset, one that sees challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles, is crucial. This mental discipline also aids in overcoming the inevitable setbacks and rejections you will face.

More to come tomorrow…

How would you finish these remaining thoughts/quotes????

"You don't get what's fair …”

"When adversity hits…”

"There is a peculiar enjoyment that comes with the pain …”

"My struggles teach me invaluable lessons …”

"It's not how you start…”

Just a regular guy working to build a real estate empire.

Nick Chaconas

Just a regular guy working to build a real estate empire.

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