
Killing Little Nicky, part 2

February 13, 20244 min read

Yesterday I broke down several ideas gleaned from Andre Ward’s "Killing the Image”. If you haven’t read it yet, go back and read it first.



Growth Mindset.

On their each, each is a powerful force. Multiplied together, Killing Little Nicky is all but a foregone conclusion. Yet, that assumption of guaranteed success is exactly what can create complacency and that is why Little Nicky is a terrorist that must die each and every day.

Years into his career, Ward felt he had outgrown his contract with his promoter and knew it was time to renegotiate it. He learned quickly that friends are friends, but business was business.

"You don't get what's fair, you get what you negotiate."

Negotiation is a paramount in our lives. We begin negotiating at an early age about what we want to eat, when we want to go to bed, where and with whom we want to play … anyone with a child knows it’s an never-ending battle of wills, ultimately with the child getting the better end of the negotiations.

We negotiate all the time and very rarely do we get what we might believe is “fair”.

Negotiations are the cornerstone of real estate investing. Whether it's closing deals, securing financing, or managing contractors, success often hinges on what can be negotiated.

  • Looking for a job? Better know how to negotiate with prospective employers.

  • Want a raise? Better know how to negotiate with your boss.

  • Want to go out with that hottie? Better know how to negotiate everything.

  • Want to create a new habit? Better know how to negotiate with your Lesser Self.

In all these scenarios .. preparation, strategy, and the courage to ask for what we want are key to achieving favorable outcomes.

Preparation and strategy are a great starting point, but it’s unrealistic to think that just because you are prepared and courageous, that the outcome is going to go your way all the time.

John Lennon said it perfectly … "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"

Ward takes Lennon’s thought a step farther …

"When adversity hits, we show who we really are. Whatever is in you, that's what's going to come out."

Living a challeng-based life guarantees that you are 100% going to get kicked in the nuts or punched in the stomach or smacked upside the head .. proverbially, of course. ;)

Its during these times, that adversity tests our resolve, integrity, and resilience. How you respond to these challenges reveals your character and determines your trajectory.

And here is when it gets interesting. There comes a time after you’ve decided to repeatedly and intentionally do hard things that the pain subsides and what you once thought was impossible is now just normal.

After one of his last fights against a tough opponent, Ward reflected on the celebration in the ring …

"There is a peculiar enjoyment that comes with the pain that reminds you that you've been to battle and you made it out."

Talking about turning HARD into NORMAL … I was chatting with my investor friend Kelly yesterday. She had posted on FB about Sunday’s race

“Yesterday’s race was a huge for me.

It’s my fastest run to date and I only had to slow down a couple time just to regulate my heart rate.

The sun was out, it was the perfect temperature, smooth course and the whole time I had a huge smile on my face. My smile was so big people running the other direction started smiling too.

My energy was on point and I felt different.

I’ve been running less than a year and it felt like I’m finding my stride as a competitor.”

I asked if she had recovered from the race and she was like … “of course .. it was ONLY 6 miles”. We laughed because it showed how she battled with running just 1 mile last year and now 6 miles is like a walk in the park.

Wrapping up his story, Ward shared these two thoughts ...

"My struggles teach me invaluable lessons that serve me each and every day."

"It's not how you start, but how you finish."

Struggles and challenges faced in life and especially in real estate investing are not merely obstacles but a time for growth. Every setback in real estate is a learning opportunity.

Real estate investing — LIFE REALLY — is a marathon, not a sprint.

Early failures or setbacks are not determinants of my ultimate success.

Real estate investing is as much a journey of personal development as it is a business venture. The wisdom encapsulated in these quotes underscores the importance of resilience, mindset, negotiation, and learning from adversity.

By embracing these principles, they teach invaluable lessons, shaping me into a more skilled, empathetic, and resilient Nick, not just in real estate, but in life.

Just a regular guy working to build a real estate empire.

Nick Chaconas

Just a regular guy working to build a real estate empire.

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