
The Parasite of Quit

June 07, 20242 min read

Let me tell you a story ..

I vividly remember the moment. Less than half a mile into that Spartan Super at Palmerton, I saw someone quit. The course was built on a ski slope and the first mile was pretty much straight up the slopes.

But to see someone give up so early was a stark reminder of how easily the parasite of quitting can take hold.

Quitting - like my Little Nicky - is a parasite that feeds on my doubts and fears. It whispers that the pain is too much, that the goal is unreachable, that I am not enough.

Fuck That Shit and Fuck Little Nicky.

In that moment, seeing the person walk away, I felt a surge of determination. I knew I couldn't let the parasite take root in my Mind.

In my business, the same parasite lurks. Deal flow slows down from lack of marketing dollars, negotiations break down with sellers or they just ghost me, and renovations go over budget and behind schedule (George St, Catalfa Ave). These moments test my resolve just as intensely as any physical challenge.

I've learned the key to overcoming the insidious parasite is persistence and resilience.

When I face these business hurdles, I draw on the lessons from the ski slopes of Palmerton. My Mind can be my greatest ally or my worst enemy.

Feeding it with thoughts of resilience and perseverance fortifies my spirit. Succumbing to the whispers of the Little Nicky weakens my resolve.

climbing wall

Every obstacle in business is a battle against the urge to quit. I remind myself of my purpose, lean on my habits of pushing through discomfort, and focus on the next small victory rather than the entire journey ahead. Just like when I was climbing that hill and my quads were screaming at me to stop, persistence is built one step at a time.

Quitting is a parasite, but it doesn’t have to win.

I have the power to uproot it, to choose persistence over surrender, to feed my mind with strength instead of doubt.

In business and in life, it's not about avoiding obstacles, but about facing them with unwavering determination.

Each challenge conquered is a testament to my resilience and a step towards my ultimate success.

Just a regular guy working to build a real estate empire.

Nick Chaconas

Just a regular guy working to build a real estate empire.

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