Chaos to Clarity

What Buffett Taught Me About Lead Gen

February 05, 20253 min read

“You can’t make a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.” - Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett’s quote isn’t just clever—it’s a masterclass in patience, focus, and strategy.

It was the first sentence I read this morning when reading Same As Ever .. and it stopped me in my tracks.

My brain started connecting dots all over the place ...

In Matthew McConaughey’s “Greenlights.” , he talks about finding rhythm and flow—what’s worth chasing versus what’s a distraction.

Dan Sullivan says it too: simplify and focus on what creates the greatest impact.

Robin Sharma ... He’s practically yelling from the mountaintops about deep work and eliminating distractions.

As I sat with these ideas, I though about all the lead generation strategies that are pitched by gurus ad nauseum. I realized something painfully obvious: I’ve been trying to, metaphorically, have a baby by getting nine women pregnant.

These ideas aren’t new, but applying them takes humility.

I have to admit I have been spreading myself thin in every direction. It wasn’t because I lacked ideas, energy, or enthusiasm.

It was because I was saying yes to too many things.

I've written about “Little Nicky,” that inner critic that spews nonsense about why things won’t work or why I need to keep all options open.

He has been raging ... “Try them all,” he says. “Cast the widest net possible.”

Has your inner critic been singing the same tunes?

But here’s the truth: the shotgun approach leaves too many holes.

Gary Keller nailed it in The ONE Thing: “What’s the ONE thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

For me, that means slaying Little Nicky, and asking myself: Which one or two lead generation options are my Warren Buffett babies?

I’ve seen this play out before. When I started training for Spartan races and marathons, I wanted instant results. I thought I could run a couple of hard miles and suddenly be ready for race day. That didn’t work. But breaking it down? One week at a time. One run at a time. Small but focused growth led to gains over months.

The same applies here. Rather than spreading myself across cold calling, email marketing, Google PPC, and TikTok dances (okay, maybe not that one), I’ve decided to double down on Pay-Per-Lead (NTSMHF and others) and building out our new GRID Investing Group . The rest can wait. Or maybe, they never need to happen at all.

I'm looking to sign 2 listing agreements with distressed sellers because I was fully present in my follow-up. I wasn’t chasing every rabbit; I was focused.


Another lead came in while I was sweating out a workout—because my AIGenius system did the work while I stayed consistent. These wins didn’t come from doing everything—they came from doing the right things.

If I’ve learned anything from Buffett, McConaughey, Sullivan, and Sharma, it’s this: discipline is doing less, not more.

You can’t grow a forest if you’re planting seeds everywhere. You grow a forest by focusing on one grove of trees, nurturing them, and letting the roots deepen.

So, here’s to growing my baby—slow, steady, and with intention.

What about you? Are you trying to chasing nine different gurus/lead generation systems — of focusing on just one or two?

I'd love to connect to hear what's working or where you're struggling

I'd love to connect with you at tonight's GRID Meeting where we'll be talking about financing deals.

Nick Chaconas | Founder, AIG Home Buyer | Co-Founder, GRID Gaithersburg | Direct: 240-477-2500 |

Giddy up!!

Nick Chaconas | Founder, AIG Home Buyer | Co-Founder, GRID Gaithersburg | Direct: 240-477-2500 | [email protected]

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